Friday, May 27, 2011

constipation, heal it with yoga

Healing digestive system :constipation

A healthy digestive and eliminative system is absolutely fundamental to good physical and mental health. A vast  number of chronic degenerative and metabolic diseases are secondary  effects of long term malfunctions and abuse of digestive system like asthma, diabetes ,arthritis, heart  and vascular disorders, mental disease in short  most illness are  the outcome of digestive disorder. It  is necessary to initially strengthen and rebalance the primary digestive processes, because  if the skati or vital energy can be awakened and rebalanced, then regenerative process will start automatically and self- healing will happen itself.

Constipation is a very common  chronic disorder of the lower digestive system in which the elimination of solid wastes from the body becomes slow  and inefficient. As a result, there  is a build-up of digestive and metabolic wastes in the large intestine, resulting a build-up or backlog of the body’s wastes throughout the body tissues. The body begins to be poisoned by the build-up of its own wastes. This is rendering their bodily systems toxic and impure and their minds dull, listless and heavy. Simultaneously , their vitality and resistance to infection  and degenerative diseases becomes very slow.

A number of factors have combined to place modern men and women in this predicament. these include:

Sedentary lifestyle: working on the office deck  for whole day or watching TV on the couch leads to muscular stiffness, joint inflexibility, circulatory stagnation and blockage of pranic energy flow in the body.

Lack of proper exercise: many people today are either to busy,lazy or preoccupied to enjoy even a few minutes walk or exercise in their daily routine.

Poor dietary habits: the quality of whatever enters the body via mouth surely plays a decisive role in the quantity of the wastes expelled from the other end of the digestive tract. a diet which not contain enough of bulk or fiber is difficult to digest and hard stool or constipation is the result.

Toilet position: the modern  commode style toilet position for bowel evacuation is not the optimal contributes to constipation.

Mental constipation: constipation is not only physical condition , it is also a state of mind. A person whose thinking and lifestyle are uninspired, listless and non-creative is a frequent  sufferer from  sluggish digestion and constipation. Similarly, fixed ideas and inflexible opinions, stubbornness and the inability to accept changes gracefully, often characterize the individual who accepts constipation as a fact of life.

If some time is devoted in the morning to a simple asana program  and an evening   walk is incorporated into the daily routine, the problem is often eliminated.

Yoga for constipation  

Surya namaskara  :  pratise up to 12 rounds each morning.

Asana: pawanmuktasana part2, trikonasana, the vajrasana series, halasana, all forward and backward bending asana. Sit in vajrasana for 10 minutes after each meal.

Bhandha: Udiyan bhandha,maha bhandha.

Meditation: antar mouna.

Yogic diet: eliminate starches from your daily diet and substitute fruits, vegetables, lots of salads and sprouts , whole grain and dried fruits such as figs and  prunes.

Take dry food and then thoroughly saturated with saliva, it is a great help in lubricating the will make the system alkaline and will greatly increase the rapidity of digestion drink plenty of liquids, including fresh fruit  juices which provide water in its purest form . Reduce  the intake of salt.

After alleviation of constipation adopt a routine of  laghoo  shankhaprakshalana and kunjal kriya once a week.then the next meal be mung dal khichari .this will prevent the recurrence of constipation.

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